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Announcement: Futsal Season Will Begin August 25th

Registration Prices & Important Dates:

Registration to play futsal on the Gold Coast is on a per player, not as a team registration. Players must be fully registered via the FFA Playfootball Website 

Recreational League Registration :

$250 per player

Additional Team Registration

$150 per team you are registered to

Regular Registration Period:

July 1st through Feb 20th

Winter League Registration Period:

March 1st through June 31st


We would love you to contact Gold Coast Futsal, but to save you time checkout the answers to some common questions. 

Are all games played in the one venue


Which Laws of Futsal do you play?

Here are Gold Coast Futsal we play by the current FIFA laws of the game and don’t change any laws, except the ones permissible by FIFA and no slide tackles


How Long are the Halves?

As per the FIFA Laws of the Game.
We play 20 minute halves in all age groups (7-Open) with a 2 minute half time internal

The clock is continuous.


Can I register as a single player

Register by clicking the Single Player Registration Link at the top of the home page.

However after you have been allocated to a team you will need to log into your player profile, of the FFA Playfootball website.
Select the appropriate age registration package.
Select “The team name you have need alloted” from the Team Preference Drop down menu
Then continue with registration

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